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Good admin is like developing good health habits

Updated: Feb 27, 2021

Very few of us would say that the grand purpose of our lives is to be healthy people. Even if we hold health as a high value, we would concede that being healthy is not the sole purpose of our lives. Our physical health is a means to keep our bodies and minds sharp enough to do the things that are really important to us – work for a cause we love, spend time with the people we love, play the way we enjoy, feel and look good.

Similarly, strong administrative systems are a means to an end. Chances are, you aren’t starting a ministry so you can sit at a computer and track donor records. Nor do you feel excited about reconciling bank accounts and reviewing budgets. But if those things are neglected, it’s going to be a challenge to so the things you really want to do – serve the people you love in a way that is not chaotic and anxiety-producing. Healthy systems help you pursue the work you love. Here are a few tips that will help keep your organization in shape and healthy:

  1. Start with the big picture. Define what your priorities and values are and build administrative systems around that. It also helps keep you motivated knowing that even the small tasks are part of your bigger purposes.

  2. Find the simplest way to maintain your records that works for you and your organization. There are a myriad of tools to make expense and income tracking simple and convenient. Some are more complex and expensive than others. If you need that, great. But start simple and add complexity as it's needed.

  3. Discipline yourself to follow the systems you put into place. If it's not working make an adjustment but the further you get behind the more overwhelming the tasks become.

  4. Get help. Hard as it may sound to you there are people who can act as volunteers, employees or contractors who love this stuff.

Of course, the The Admin Hub can help you with all these things as well as be like that fitness trainer – bugging you to stay on track and motivating you to develop healthy systems so you can do what you really love.

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